Run Run Run Lyrics by The Libertines

Run Run Run Meaning & Facts By (Singles). You Can Watch This Video On YouTube While The Lyrics Are Written By Carl Barât & Danny Connors. The Music Track Was Released Date :Oct. 13, 2023

The lyrics feel to convey a narrative about a person’s life and station towards life. Let’s break down the main themes.

Explanation of Intro
The song’s preamble sets the stage for a narrative of sybaritic living and urgency, where life is viewed as a nonstop design with a mix of neglectfulness and a readiness to flash back for material gain.

[Verse 1]
It’s a life long project of a life on the lash
I’ve forgotten how to care but I’ll remember for cash
It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to
Light the fuse, sing the blues, I can die if I want to
Tonight we’re gonna bring tomorrow’s happiness
Gonna live like it’s the end
I love you to death, but I must suggest

Explanation of  Verse 1
The speaker describes life as a “life long project” that involves living carefree and seemingly indulgent. The mention of forgetting how to care but remembering for cash suggests a somewhat mercenary approach to emotions.

You’d better run, run, run, boy
Faster than the past
Through the looking glass
If you want the night to last
You’d better run, run, run, boy
Faster than the past
Through the looking glass
If you want the night to last

Explanation of  Chorus
The reference to running “faster than the past” and going “through the looking glass” suggests a desire for change and a break from the past. The repetition of the idea that if you want the night to last, you’d better run, adds a sense of immediacy and action.

[Verse 2]
He’s a long-time blagger, wraps his hand in a band
Still knows the streets of Camden likе the back of his hand
He’s an old-time lovеr and a marathon man
And with the strength of a thousand men
He’s a nightmare hangover, he’s a one night stand
He can “eat mor chikin” any man in the land
Well, I’ve given up caring for happiness
When this heart gives out, is when I’ll rest

Explanation of  Verse 2
The second verse introduces a character who is portrayed as a street-savvy and experienced individual, familiar with the streets of Camden. The reference to a “nightmare hangover” and a “one night stand” adds a touch of recklessness or unpredictability.

You’d better run, run, run, boy
Faster than the past
Through the looking glass
If you want the night to last
You’d better run, run, run, boy
Faster than the past
Through the looking glass
If you want the night to last

Explanation of  Chorus
The reference to running “faster than the past” and going “through the looking glass” suggests a desire for change and a break from the past. The repetition of the idea that if you want the night to last, you’d better run, adds a sense of immediacy and action.

‘Cause tonight, we’re gonna spend
All tomorrow’s happiness
If we don’t break before we bend
And tonight your soul is sighing
“It’ll turn out nice again
It’s only money in the end”

Explanation of  Bridge
The bridge suggests a plan for the night – spending all tomorrow’s happiness and facing challenges with resilience. There’s a recognition that difficulties might come, but the hope is to endure and find happiness in the end. The line “It’s only money in the end” implies that, in the grand scheme of things, material wealth is not the ultimate measure of happiness.

Run, run, run, boy
Faster than the past
Through the looking glass
If you want the night to last
You’d better run, run, run, boy
Faster than the past
Through the looking glass
If you want the night to last

Explanation of  Chorus
The chorus is repeated, reinforcing the theme of escaping the past and seeking a lasting, positive experience. The imperative tone in “you’d better run” suggests a sense of urgency and determination.

You’d better run, run, run, boy
Faster than the past
Through the looking glass
If you want the night to last
You’d better run

Explanation of   Outro
The outro restates the message, emphasizing the need to run faster than the past through the looking glass if one wants the night to last.

The lyrics paint a picture of a person living a sybaritic and kindly chaotic life, feting the evanescence of life, and prompting the listener to embrace change and run towards a brighter future.

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