Zoom 100: Bucket List of the Dead

Zoom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a thrilling and hilarious anime series that takes viewers on a unique journey through a zombie-infested world. Based on the manga by Haro Aso and Kotaro Takata, this anime adaptation captures the essence of the original story while adding its own flair. With its blend of comedy, horror, and heartfelt moments, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead offers a fresh take on the zombie genre. In this article, we will delve into the details of this captivating anime series and explore its key elements.

The Plot: A Twist on the Zombie Apocalypse Genre

The story of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead follows Akira Tendo, an ordinary office worker who finds himself trapped in a world overrun by zombies. Rather than succumbing to despair, Akira embarks on a mission to make the most out of his new undead existence. With the help of his eccentric friend, Chihiro, he creates a “bucket list” of experiences he wants to fulfill before his inevitable demise. This unique twist on the zombie apocalypse genre sets the stage for a series filled with humor, adventure, and self-discovery.

Protagonist’s Transformation: From Office Drone to Zombie Warrior

Akira Tendo’s transformation from a monotonous office drone to a fearless zombie warrior forms the heart of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead. As the series progresses, Akira undergoes a personal evolution, shedding his insecurities and embracing his newfound purpose. Through his encounters with other survivors and various zombie-filled challenges, Akira discovers his own strength and resilience. This character development adds depth and emotional resonance to the series, making it more than just a comedy.

Unique Blend of Comedy and Horror

Bucket List of the Dead expertly blends comedy and horror elements to create a truly engaging viewing experience. While the premise of a zombie apocalypse might seem dark and grim, the series approaches it with a lighthearted touch. The comedic moments provide relief from the tense and gory scenes, offering viewers a chance to laugh even in the face of danger. The balance between humor and horror is masterfully maintained throughout the series, resulting in a captivating and entertaining narrative.

Dynamic Supporting Characters

Aside from Akira, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead boasts a colorful cast of supporting characters that add depth and variety to the story. Chihiro, Akira’s eccentric friend, serves as the comedic sidekick, injecting levity into even the most dire situations. Other survivors they meet along the way, such as Yuki and Kencho, each bring their unique personalities and motivations to the group dynamic. These characters’ interactions and relationships provide moments of camaraderie, drama, and even romance, further enriching the narrative.

Exploration of Human Nature and Existential Themes

While Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead may appear to be a lighthearted anime, it also explores deeper themes related to human nature and the meaning of life. As the characters face constant danger and the possibility of death, they reflect on their past lives and the choices they made. The series prompts viewers to ponder questions about identity, regrets, and the pursuit of happiness. This thoughtful exploration of existential themes adds another layer of complexity to the overall story, making it resonate on a deeper level.


Bucket List of the Dead is an anime series that successfully blends comedy, horror, and introspection to create a unique and captivating viewing experience. With its engaging plot, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes, the series stands out in the zombie genre. Whether you’re a fan of zombies or simply enjoy a good laugh, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a must-watch anime that offers an entertaining and meaningful journey through life and undeath. So grab your bucket list and prepare to laugh, scream, and reflect in this thrilling anime adventure.

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